Reasonable and affordable therapy fees. In most cases, the therapeutic services are free or a low co-payment through private insurance, the victims of crime program, or Medi-Medi. Centro de Bienestar Familiar employs well-qualified clinical staff (Psychological Assistants) that assist with providing individual and family therapy.
We provide psychological treatment to abused and traumatized victims, children with emotional and behavioral problems, family members in relational conflicts, and individuals with multiple psychological and psychiatric conditions.
We are currently a clinical supervisor in a renown community agency and also conducts presentations, workshops, training, and groups regarding issues of stress management, family conflicts, parent education, grief and loss, low self-esteem, and improve work/peer relations. The presentations are provided in schools, churches, social groups, community agencies, or in the office. We also treats adults with drug or alcohol problems and youth at risk for self-destructive activities.
Professional Services
Individual, family, and group therapy
Completion of legal forms and certifications (comprehensive psychological evaluations and professional reports for immigration cases such as Uvisa and Provisional Waivers (I-601 Waiver)
Psychological testing for intellectual abilities and functioning, developmental delays/disorders, mental state, immigration cases, and others
Referrals for psychiatric and medical evaluations
Case management services
Parenting classes and workshops
Training and community outreach events
Domestic Violence Prevention & Treatment

Financial Services
Victims Compensation Fund Program
Private Insurance
Reduced fees and pro-bono services

Specialized Treatment Services
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Domestic Violence
• Childhood and Adolescents Mood and Behavioral Problems
• Issues of Abuse and Trauma-Related Symptomatology
• Play and Art Therapy for Children
• Psycho-Educational Training, Including Parenting Training
• Relationships and Family Conflicts
• Self-Esteem and Personal Growth
• Stress Management
• Substance Abuse and Impulsive Behaviors
• Evaluations and Psychological Reports for Immigration or Other Legal Matters